Raat Ki Rani, Night Queen Plant Tips and Benefits

  Raat Ki Rani, Night Queen Plant Tips and Benefits

Raat ki rani is an evergreen shrub found in tropical regions such as the West Indies, India, Bangladesh, and Southeast Asian countries.  It is known by various names such as Night blooming jasmine Flower (in Hindi), Hasnahana (in Bengali), Night Jasmine, Lady of the Night, Night Jasmine, Night Blooming Jasmine, Night Scented Jasmine, Poison Berry, Dama de Noche,  Galan de Noche, Night Blooming System, Night Queen, Queen of the Night, Hasna Hina etc.

The queen of the night is a plant that usually blooms at night.  It opens at night and has a sweet fragrance that travels far and wide. These are small white flowers that bloom as soon as it gets dark.

As soon as this flower blooms, the fragrance starts coming from all around.  That is why she is called the queen of the night.
In the same way, as the day progresses, these flowers begin to close again and their fragrance diminishes.  This amazing plant does not bloom at all during the day and does not smell. The queen of the night is easily found in every nursery. This plant is found almost everywhere. Most people plant it in their homes and also in schools and offices.

So if you are planning to grow a flowering plant with a strong refreshing scent, a raat ki rani  plant is a good choice.

Night Blooming Jasmine's height

The maximum achievable height is 3 to 4 meters (about 13 feet).  They grow to about 3 feet wide.

Types of Night Flowering Jasmine

  There is another type of plant that has yellow flowers.

The best soil type / putty mix for nocturnal plant

The nocturnal plant prefers moist soil that is light with a little sand and good drainage. It prefers soil with a nerve pH of about 6.6 to 7.5. The soil should be well fertilized and rich in organic matter. You can use 35% soil, 30% sand and 35% organic fertilizer soil to make pots for this plant. You can use cow dung cake, semi cake, vermi compost for organic fertilizer. The semi-cake also acts as a pesticide for the plant.

Flowering in Night Blooming Jasmine:

The nightingale tree produces green creamy white tubular flowers.  The flowers grow in large bundles or groups. The plant flowers in hot weather.  It stops flowering in winter or cold weather.

 They are open from March to October.

When the flowers die, they produce white berries that are attractive to different types of birds in your garden.

Amzing benefits for health of night jasmines (raat ki rani)


Take three or four leaves, grind them and boil them in water.  Take it twice a day on an empty stomach to relieve the pain of sciatica.


Take leaves, flowers and bark and mix them in 200 ml of water.  Now boil it till the water is reduced to 1/4 i.e. 50 ml.  Keep it warm.

Dry cough

Take the dried leaves and grind them in a mortar and pestle.  Now extract its juice and drink it with honey to get rid of dry cough.

Cold, cough and sinus

Drink tea made by boiling leaves and flowers in water.  You can also add some basil leaves.  Make tea and drink it to get rid of cough and bones.


Take 3 grams bark and 2 grams leaves with 2-3 basil leaves.  Boil it in water and drink it twice a day.

Pain and swelling

Boiling some leaves in water and drinking it once a day reduces pain and swelling in the body.


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